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Public Relations 101: Building and Maintaining Relationships
As public relations professionals, one question we get a lot is, “what is public relations?” If you’ve watched any TV show or movie, your idea of PR is probably based off Samantha Jones from Sex and The City or Olivia…

What is a Style Guide and Why Do You Need One?
When your team creates print and online content, does the imagery look cohesive and is the messaging and tone consistent? If not, it may be time for a style guide. A style guide (also known as a “brand book”) is…

Recognizing our Leaders – Price Adams
At Nuffer, Smith, Tucker (NST), we’ve set our sights on redefining public relations. While so much has changed over the last four decades, at NST one thing has remained constant – each of our agency leaders, past and present, have…

Recognizing our Leaders – Teresa Siles
At Nuffer, Smith, Tucker, we’ve set our sights on redefining public relations. While so much has changed over the last four decades, at NST one thing has remained constant – each of our agency leaders, past and present, have been…

Recognizing our Leaders – Mary Correia-Moreno
At Nuffer, Smith, Tucker, we’ve set our sights on redefining public relations. While so much has changed over the last four decades, at NST one thing has remained constant – each of our agency leaders, past and present, have been…

NST: One Year Later
One year ago this week is when most of us learned a significant shift in our daily lives was imminent. Businesses were shutting down. Schools closed. Panic shopping began and fear was palpable – but at NST, we were experiencing…

A Recipe for Creating Accessible Web Content
You’ve written an informative, compelling, and all-around awesome piece of digital content. You featured stunning photos and followed all the best practices for SEO to get users to visit your website. A good story, a dash of great visuals, and…

COVID-19 and the Broadcast Media
As the world turned upside-down in 2020, your local morning show probably started to shift from interviews filled with glitz and glam to individuals of all industries Zooming in from their living rooms. The broadcast media, typically in the thick…

SEO Didn’t Die, It Evolved – New SEO Best Practices For 2021
Search engine optimization (SEO) has come a long way since the old days of keyword stuffing and link purchasing. As algorithms get smarter and search engines rely more heavily on artificial intelligence, it is important to adjust your SEO strategy…

Breaking Through the Clutter with Video
Let’s face it, the COVID-19 pandemic has put most of us in front of our computers for hours on end. In person meetings are replaced with Zoom sessions, and even networking opportunities have gone virtual. With fewer opportunities to reach…

Adjusting Social Media Strategy During a Pandemic
A recent webinar hosted by content marketing consulting firm Convince & Convert discussed how our current environment is affecting brand’s social media strategies and the changes that must be made to operations in the interim. In the “11 Things You…

The Perks of User-Generated Content
In the digital age, anyone with access to social media or other online platforms can be a content creator. Social media content can be genuine and authentic because users are willing to speak candidly about brands, products or services. User-generated…