
The Importance of Finding Balance

Public relations is a high-stakes and high-demand industry. This means public relations professionals can end up burnt out and overworked if they don’t manage their workload and work-life balance properly. Keep in mind that PR professionals are also real people, trying to navigate their personal lives while balancing their careers. The truth is no one is just a PR professional. We are parents, significant others, friends, daughters, sons and more.

While balancing more than one role in life is often expected, it is easier said than done. At NST, one of our core values is “balance hard work, fun and the needs of each individual,” meaning we make it a priority to find balance in our lives.

Here are a few simple tips to help you stay organized, manage ongoing tasks and prioritize your mental health.

Setting Boundaries and Managing Expectations

In the public relations world, sometimes you’re required to work outside normal office hours. This can prove to be difficult when trying to balance personal obligations or even just take a moment for self-care. The best way to combat spreading yourself too thin is by setting boundaries and managing expectations, both personally and professionally. Whether it is establishing realistic deadlines with clients, playing to each team member’s strength and supporting them in their weaknesses, prioritizing time with family or friends, or blocking off your calendar to attend your favorite workout class or take a walk outside, it’s important to establish firm boundaries and expectations in everything you do. PR is all about communication and collaboration and it’s imperative you communicate your needs and expectations to achieve better results. Not only does this create better quality work, but it also allows you to find the ever-desired work-life balance.

To-Do Lists Are Your Friend

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of each workday, which can sometimes lead to a lack of focus. One way to stay on top of your tasks is to create a to-do list. While this may seem like an obvious solution, list-making is an important method to help you stay on track. Utilize the tools around you like the Notes app on your phone, project management software like Asana, or even going the old fashion route and writing your to-do list down on a piece of paper.

Be sure to cross items off your to-do list as you complete them. Not only is it satisfying, but it also helps you to visualize what you’ve accomplished and what is still left to tackle.

Prioritizing Your Mental Well-Being

While balancing work commitments is important, it is equally important to continue doing things you enjoy. While this may look different for everyone, it is important to remember to take care of yourself.

Recently, we asked the NST team how important they think stress management is to create healthy work-life balance. The results of the survey found that 100% of the team rated it as extremely important, making it clear that employees value work-life balance and that it is imperative to the success of our organization. Our team also shared some of their favorite ways to unplug during the work day which include:

  • Take a fully disconnected break.
  • Take exercise breaks during the day.
  • Meditate.
  • Use PTO.
  • Tackle the most difficult tasks earlier in the day.

To prevent burnout and manage mental well-being, it is also important to take some time for yourself outside of work. Our team’s favorite ways to decompress include:

  • Exercise.
  • Reading.
  • Meditation.
  • Spending time with friends and family.
  • Giving their undivided attention to a loved one.
  • Journaling.

No matter which form of self-care you choose, the more you prioritize your own well-being the better outcomes you will see both personally and professionally. Not only will you be more productive, but you’ll also be less stressed and anxious. When you are your best self, you contribute your best work to the team.

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Adriana Villa