
The nst blog

Teresa Siles

NST President Teresa Siles in The San Diego Union-Tribune

  October 5, 2023

Organizational Values, Purpose & Culture are More Important Than Ever According to a 2022 Harris Poll, 82 percent of shoppers want a consumer brand’s values to align with their own. That same survey found that three quarters of shoppers have…

Tom Gable Retirement

Tom Gable Retires from Nuffer, Smith, Tucker

  April 25, 2023

A Reflection on a Notable PR Career and Advice to Those Taking the Reigns My last official day at Nuffer, Smith, Tucker Public Relations (NST) was March 31, 2023, eight years after merging Gable PR with NST on April 1,…

Lights Camera Action Corporate Videos

Lights, Camera, Action: How to Harness the Power of Corporate Videos

  April 24, 2023

The online world is dominated by video content. In 2023, video is expected to account for 82.5% of all web traffic, making it the most popular type of content online. According to a recent Forbes article showcasing the top website…

Simple Guide to ADA Compliance

A Simple Guide to ADA Compliance for your Website

  April 3, 2023

All people should have easy access to read, see and understand the content of your website. This basic belief is the foundation for website ADA compliance. For some people, it’s not as simple as opening a web browser, navigating to…

‘Make Things Better’ Initiative

Living Our Purpose with ‘Make Things Better’ Initiative

  March 1, 2023

There’s no doubt NST has a long history in the San Diego community and in the communities in which we do business. Just about everywhere we go, we hear stories of how our company’s founders and previous leaders contributed in…

Lessons From a Public Affairs Professional Turned PR Pro

Lessons From a Public Affairs Professional Turned PR Pro

  November 14, 2022

Recently, I experienced a huge career shift, both professionally and geographically. After spending a decade working in public affairs in Washington, D.C., I moved west to San Diego, landing at Nuffer, Smith, Tucker, an established and innovative public relations firm…

NST Takes on Plastic Free July

NST Takes on Plastic Free July

  August 10, 2022

Reduce, reuse, recycle. These three words have been drilled into our heads since elementary school and continue to be at the forefront of conversations around the “plastics problem.” When juggling our busy daily routines, it can be hard to make…

People Are Not Your Biggest Asset

People Are Not Your Biggest Asset

  July 8, 2022

In 2001, Jim Collins debunked the old adage “people are your biggest asset” by asserting not just any people will do. Rather, Collins argued that “the right people” are in fact what drive great organizations. With this philosophy in mind,…

National Cocktail Day Blog

Cheers to National Cocktail Day

  March 24, 2022

Happy National Cocktail Day from the NST team to you! There’s nothing quite like a refreshing cocktail at the end of a long day. To celebrate, we’re sharing the team’s favorite cocktail recipes so you can sip along with us….

code tips

Code Smarter; Not Harder

  March 11, 2022

Tips and tricks for developers and coders alike *Disclaimer – this blog will likely only be understood by fellow coders, programmers and digital media managers. If you do not understand this blog, we don’t blame you. That’s why we hired…

SEO Myths

SEO: Myth vs. Fact

  November 15, 2021

Thanks to Google’s secrecy around how its algorithms work and rank sites in search results, there are countless myths and misconceptions around search engine optimization (SEO). At times it can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re unfamiliar with best practices. There…

Farm to Corporate Table

Farm to Corporate Table: Business Practices Grown on A Walnut Farm

  November 8, 2021

Growing up on my family walnut farm in Hollister, California, I was oblivious to the unrelenting challenges my father faced each harvest year. From unknown weather conditions or water availability to external market factors, farming is arguably one of the…


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