people using social media on phones

Put Your Social Media Platforms to Work for You

Social media has become one of the most common means of communication for many, and for some, a catalyst to business success. According to Pew Research Center, just 5% of American adults used at least one social media platform in 2005. Today, that number stands at 72%. People of all walks of life find themselves not only indulging in the brain candy that is an Instagram feed or Facebook group, but also use social media as a resource for important updates and information on news happening around the world, like a natural disaster or a political election.

With information so easily accessible online, social media is no longer optional for organizations if they want to be a part of the conversation. It’s not enough for businesses to simply be “on” social media. Just like a website or newsletter, companies need to build out their social media platforms in a way that is reflective of their organization and ties back to the company’s overall business objectives.

Read the Room

Not all organizations need to be on every social media platform. Take the time to evaluate where your target audiences spend their time online and if your presence on a particular platform will effectively reach them. Each one of your organization’s profiles should hold its own persona and maintain a tone that aligns with the platform’s nature and your target audience. For example, you might decide it’s most appropriate for your LinkedIn posts to be more formal and buttoned up while your Instagram posts might be more visual in nature and casual with a lighter tone. Spend your time wisely, growing your organization’s presence where it makes sense online rather than on a platform not relevant to your target audience where you might only hear digital crickets.

Provide Purpose

With the enormous amount of social media content out there brevity is essential. People live fast paced lives and consume content all day long so if a post doesn’t catch their attention right off the bat, they’re on to the next feed without a second thought. But here’s the catch – every social media post you create must serve a purpose for you to truly move the needle on your business objectives. Whether it’s ensuring each post ties to a key message, objective or a value, the goal should be to be brief but impactful at the same time and always be focused on how to make that singular post worthwhile.

Two-Way Street

Your job doesn’t stop after hitting “post.” Once your content is out there, it’s time to amplify your profiles by interacting with target audiences, industry partners and other relevant organizations. Afterall it’s called “social” media for a reason. By managing comments and messages with timely, thoughtful responses, you can connect with users in a direct way that can leave a positive, lasting impact on them – if done with the right personal touch. Proactive interaction goes a long way as well. Interacting with content from key groups and individuals by commenting, liking and sharing posts and insights will add credibility to your organization and cement your place as a vocal contributor on key industry topics. This is a great way to establish expertise and promote it.

Is your organization looking for social media reboot? Give NST a call today.