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Breaking Through the Clutter with Video
Let’s face it, the COVID-19 pandemic has put most of us in front of our computers for hours on end. In person meetings are replaced with Zoom sessions, and even networking opportunities have gone virtual. With fewer opportunities to reach…

Benefiting from PR Industry Collaboration
Collaboration plays an important role in the success of any business, and while it generally happens among coworkers and allies, rarely does it happen among industry peers who may be seen as competition – Worldcom Public Relations Group is an…

How to Make the Most of a Virtual Meeting
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a new “normal” in many aspects of life. Having no choice but to find alternatives for a variety of everyday activities, technology has eased the transition in many cases. Remote work has become a trend…

As Reputation Drives Company Value, PR Deserves a Broader Role
A recent report by global PR firm Weber Shandwick quantified a belief long preached by PR practitioners around the globe – reputation is (nearly) everything. In the “State of Corporate Reputation” report, the authors noted “corporate reputation is an invaluable…

The 2020 Relevance Report Forecasts PR Trends
Public relations practitioners play many roles – storytellers, business advisors, and sometimes, fortunetellers. Our clients look to us to forecast upcoming cultural, societal and professional trends and guide them through the changing landscape. It’s our job as PR professionals to…

Our Vision: Redefining PR
At Nuffer, Smith, Tucker, we’ve got our sights set on a vision to redefine the public relations industry. This means helping others abandon the perception of public relations as a wheel of propaganda, churning and burning self-serving, bias-driven news releases….

An Internship Worth Your Time
Are you looking for an internship that goes beyond morning coffee runs and basic office work? The Nuffer, Smith, Tucker internship program provides young professionals a hands-on opportunity to learn the fundamentals of the public relations industry. Part of the…

Using a PSA to Drive Action
A public service announcement (PSA) is traditionally a video or audio clip that is disseminated by local broadcast news stations free of charge with the ultimate goal of raising awareness toward a concern or changing public attitude, behavior or perceptions…

Cultivating Genuine Engagement with Elected Leaders
While most of California’s local elected officials serve only as part-time mayors and councilmembers, they are responsible for representing the interests of thousands of their fellow citizens and must educate themselves on a wide-range of policy issues. The challenge of…

Does Your Company or Brand Add Value?
Would anyone care if your company or brand ceased to exist? Statistically – probably not. According to a recent study shared by AdWeek, participants said they wouldn’t care if 77 percent of brands went away. So, how do you ensure…

Ready to Visually Re-brand?
At some point, companies may take a look at their current visual branding and think “this doesn’t really reflect who we are anymore.” They may have hobbled along with a just-OK logo, but realized its shortcomings over time. Or maybe the company…

The Art of Meeting Facilitation: Tips for Facilitating Productive Conversations
Meeting facilitation is no easy task, especially when working with a group of divergent stakeholders. And even within a group of closely aligned individuals, a meeting may be subject to a variety of challenges from the microphone hog to the…