
The nst blog

News Literacy

News Literacy: When Sharing Does Not = Caring

  March 22, 2022

As purveyors of news, all of us in the PR industry have a responsibility to help make the world more news-literate. We must stamp out mis- and disinformation and fake news and shine a spotlight on fact-based journalism. But how?…

Diversify Your Social Media Strategy

Diversify Your Social Media Strategy

  January 7, 2022

How stable are the social networks we spend so much time and money working with? Over the past six months, we’ve seen a spike in brands taking a stand against social media platforms and their practices. We’ve also seen serious…

Hero TikTok

Harnessing the Power of TikTok

  December 21, 2021

TikTok is the newest addition to the social media scene and it’s taking the world by storm. In just four short years, TikTok has amassed 1 billion monthly active users – surpassing Twitter, Telegram, Reddit, Pinterest and Snapchat. With users…

Farm to Corporate Table

Farm to Corporate Table: Business Practices Grown on A Walnut Farm

  November 8, 2021

Growing up on my family walnut farm in Hollister, California, I was oblivious to the unrelenting challenges my father faced each harvest year. From unknown weather conditions or water availability to external market factors, farming is arguably one of the…

thought leadership: how to become a trusted industry expert

Thought Leadership: How to Become a Trusted Industry Expert

  September 1, 2021

When companies seek public relations support, their expectations may revolve around quick results or immediate return on investment (ROI). While some aspects of public relations can lend themselves to this approach, many PR strategies, like increasing brand awareness and establishing…

people using social media on phones

Put Your Social Media Platforms to Work for You

  August 19, 2021

Social media has become one of the most common means of communication for many, and for some, a catalyst to business success. According to Pew Research Center, just 5% of American adults used at least one social media platform in…

Create action

Create Action: 5 Tips to Effectively Communicate with Elected Officials

  August 11, 2021

Advocating in the government arena, be it local, state or federal, can be challenging. Elected officials, and their staff, are inundated with numerous tasks and requests daily, making it difficult to break through the noise and secure a meeting. When…

Image shows the words Calm/Panic on wood blocks

Ten ‘Landmines’ to Navigate Before Your Next Crisis

  June 3, 2021

Crises come in all forms and sizes, from the nuisance lawsuit or customer complaints that go viral, to major cybersecurity breaches, sexual harassment issues, or other incidents that impact a community or take human lives. As strategic public relations professionals,…

basic relationships

Public Relations 101: Building and Maintaining Relationships

  May 26, 2021

As public relations professionals, one question we get a lot is, “what is public relations?” If you’ve watched any TV show or movie, your idea of PR is probably based off Samantha Jones from Sex and The City or Olivia…

Price Adams

Recognizing our Leaders – Price Adams

  April 9, 2021

At Nuffer, Smith, Tucker (NST), we’ve set our sights on redefining public relations. While so much has changed over the last four decades, at NST one thing has remained constant – each of our agency leaders, past and present, have…

Teresa Siles

Recognizing our Leaders – Teresa Siles

  April 2, 2021

At Nuffer, Smith, Tucker, we’ve set our sights on redefining public relations. While so much has changed over the last four decades, at NST one thing has remained constant – each of our agency leaders, past and present, have been…

Mary Correia-Moreno

Recognizing our Leaders – Mary Correia-Moreno

  March 26, 2021

At Nuffer, Smith, Tucker, we’ve set our sights on redefining public relations. While so much has changed over the last four decades, at NST one thing has remained constant – each of our agency leaders, past and present, have been…


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