
On the Passing of Dr. Glen Broom

Pictured from left to right: Dave Nuffer, Dr. Glen Broom, Allen H. Center, Kerry Tucker

By Kerry Tucker & The Nuffer, Smith, Tucker Family

We were sitting on the third base line on one of those great afternoons at Jack Murphy Stadium watching the Padres get pummeled by whoever was in town. In or about the sixth inning, our conversation inevitably turned to the practice of public relations and how together we – Nuffer, Smith, Tucker, Dr. Glen Broom and SDSU – could push the public relations profession to new heights and levels of relevancy.

We saved the world many times over on those sunny afternoons at the Murph. Out of those conversations came a host of “push the practice” initiatives – from my own textbook and teaching the public relations strategy course at SDSU to a series of colloquia challenging status quo issues of importance to the profession.

The most strategic move we made in NST’s more than 45 years in business – without a doubt – was our partnership with Dr. Broom and SDSU.

SDSU has become an incubator for public relations talent. Our hallways are filled with Aztec alums. The last two leaders of our firm came in as interns from SDSU and never left. The quality and talent of SDSU graduates speaks for itself.

Dr. Broom made us all better practitioners. When the stakes were high and right or wrong could fall into either camp, Glen was there to offer an objective view. Having his perspective -let alone his blessing – was gold.

I spoke with him a few weeks ago and asked him to review a chapter in a book we’re writing on our company’s learnings over our 45 years. He left me a message suggesting we get together and go through it. I was too late in getting back to him. My loss.

A few more words from the NST family:

“It was during my junior year at SDSU when I first met Dr. Broom. I was a student in two of his classes, and he recommended me for an internship at Nuffer, Smith, Tucker. That was 18 years ago, and Dr. Broom remained a sounding board for me ever since. He is the reason I am here. But, more importantly, he was one of many practitioners who taught me the value and importance of public relations. He taught me to push the status quo, make our profession better and never underestimate the value of relationships. He was a dear colleague and mentor, and friend of NST. He will be missed.” – Teresa Siles, managing director and senior vice president

“When I was a student at SDSU, Dr. Broom was an instructor who truly left a mark on my life and career. Upon graduation, I never thought our paths would cross in a professional setting but yet our paths crossed constantly. He was a valued partner at NST and someone I could turn to if I ever needed anything. There is no doubt he was an influential academic in the field of public relations and mentor to many including myself, and I was grateful to also call him my friend. He will be missed by many, but the mark he left on the PR industry will have impact for years to come.”  Mary Correia-Moreno, vice president and chief operating officer

“While I had the honor of hearing Dr. Broom speak during a few occasions, my first introduction to his work was when I was assigned to read his book during my junior year at SDSU in an introduction to public relations course. It opened my mind to the profession of PR and served as a foundation for my studies and career. Years after graduation, Dr. Broom’s book still sits on my desk at NST – but it’s not collecting dust. I reference it often. Dr. Broom’s work and passion for the profession has left a lasting impact that will continue to influence young professionals for years to come.” – Tracy Moehnke, senior account executive

“I had the good fortune to know Glen for more than 30 years and benefit from his leadership in advancing the public relations profession. This started with his classic textbook (Effective Public Relations) and continued through the evolution of curricula at SDSU and hiring brilliant professors to create one of the most respected schools in the country. He provided unpaid advice and editing on my first book (The PR Client Service Manual) and subsequent editions. He set high standards at SDSU, had a great eye for talent and referred many future PR super stars to me at my previous firm, The Gable Group, and NST. His grads went on to lead dozens of firms and in-house departments, including in some of the biggest agencies and corporations in the country. Finally, he could weave his wry wit into even the most academic discussions, sometimes telegraphing that something was coming with his Cheshire grin – among the many things that will be missed with his passing. Our best to Betty and family.” – Tom Gable, vice chair

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Kerry Tucker