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GA4 Metrics to Track in 2024
Website analytics are online tools that allow you to track and monitor your website’s performance. They tell you how many people visit your website, how they find your website, and what they do once they are on your website. Google…

Navigating the Creative Journey: 7 Career Insights for Emerging Designers
Recently, a friend approached me with a request to offer guidance to his daughter, an undergraduate student working towards her bachelor’s degree in art at San Diego State University, as she navigates the world of internships and her future career….

Pun Intended — When to Pun & When to Run
Puns have a long-standing history in marketing, advertising and public relations campaigns – and when done right can be a viral moment waiting to happen. If done poorly or without forethought, a brand can be the laughingstock of the internet….

Managing from the Middle – How to get the Most from your Influencer and Brand Relationships
Over the past decade, influencer marketing has taken over most social media platforms. As brands continue to expand how they utilize influencers in their marketing and PR strategies, it is important for industry professionals to understand how to successfully manage…

The Future of TikTok in America
TikTok’s popularity has exploded since its introduction to the U.S. in the fall of 2016, becoming the fourth most popular social media platform in the country, only surpassed by Facebook, Instagram and Facebook Messenger (Source: DataReportal, May 2023). However, its…

Lights, Camera, Action: How to Harness the Power of Corporate Videos
The online world is dominated by video content. In 2023, video is expected to account for 82.5% of all web traffic, making it the most popular type of content online. According to a recent Forbes article showcasing the top website…

How to Write a CTA Worth Clicking On
As part of our ongoing monitoring of trends in advertising, email marketing and public relations, NST is always looking for new ways to help clients improve their call to action (CTA). In the digital age we live in, people are…

A Simple Guide to ADA Compliance for your Website
All people should have easy access to read, see and understand the content of your website. This basic belief is the foundation for website ADA compliance. For some people, it’s not as simple as opening a web browser, navigating to…

5 Reasons to Invest in PR During a Recession
Recession, depression, economic crisis … whatever the term, pundits have been sounding the alarm over a looming downturn in the U.S. economy, which has started to reverberate through corporate America. And when potential profits are at stake, many organizations begin…

Unleashing the Power of LinkedIn
According to LinkedIn, the platform’s mission is simple: connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful. And while it’s undoubtedly known that LinkedIn is the chosen social media network for professional use, are people actually using it…

Code Smarter; Not Harder
Tips and tricks for developers and coders alike *Disclaimer – this blog will likely only be understood by fellow coders, programmers and digital media managers. If you do not understand this blog, we don’t blame you. That’s why we hired…

Diversify Your Social Media Strategy
How stable are the social networks we spend so much time and money working with? Over the past six months, we’ve seen a spike in brands taking a stand against social media platforms and their practices. We’ve also seen serious…