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Finding the Right Internship – A How to Guide
Public relations students hear time and time again about the importance of internships. Like any industry, internships play an important role in the PR world. Not only do they provide you with hands-on experience, but they also create opportunities to…

Listening in the Workplace – Easier Said Than Done
I’m an extrovert, which means people (especially in business) often assume I’m a terrible listener. In the corporate world, extroverts can be viewed as blunt, assertive, action-oriented and self-centered. These traits can cause coworkers to perceive extroverts as inauthentic, especially…

Is This Thing On? – Why Your Business Should Start a Podcast
As a business, hosting your own podcast can grow your relevancy by increasing exposure and strengthening relationships with your existing and target audiences. A podcast can also help differentiate you from competitors, increase brand loyalty, and provide additional content that…

NST Takes on Plastic Free July
Reduce, reuse, recycle. These three words have been drilled into our heads since elementary school and continue to be at the forefront of conversations around the “plastics problem.” When juggling our busy daily routines, it can be hard to make…

People Are Not Your Biggest Asset
In 2001, Jim Collins debunked the old adage “people are your biggest asset” by asserting not just any people will do. Rather, Collins argued that “the right people” are in fact what drive great organizations. With this philosophy in mind,…

We Need Arts, Culture, Tourism and Community
The pandemic disproportionately impacted the San Diego tourism industry, affecting arts and culture throughout our region. Between the stay-at-home order, working from home, and our “new normal” – most of us found solace in movies, music, podcasts, Netflix-binges, etc., demonstrating…

The Benefits of Gratitude in the Workplace
“Thank you.” How often do you say those two words? To some people, saying ‘thank you’ comes as second nature, but often, this small gesture can be forgotten when you’re in a rush, stressed or have too much on your…

The Importance of Finding Balance
Public relations is a high-stakes and high-demand industry. This means public relations professionals can end up burnt out and overworked if they don’t manage their workload and work-life balance properly. Keep in mind that PR professionals are also real people,…

Military Economic Impact in San Diego
Even if you aren’t originally from the San Diego area, you can guess that San Diego has a large military presence (we’ve all been to the USS Midway Museum). But did you know that San Diego is home to the…

Unleashing the Power of LinkedIn
According to LinkedIn, the platform’s mission is simple: connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful. And while it’s undoubtedly known that LinkedIn is the chosen social media network for professional use, are people actually using it…

The Importance of Professional Development
Professional development often falls to the wayside in our busy schedules but should be continuously top of mind. Knowledge is power in the ever-changing world we live in. As public relations professionals, we are asked to help our clients find…

Serving San Diego through Board Service
San Diego is commonly referred to as “America’s Finest City” – but what makes it so fine? According to The San Diego Foundation, the San Diego region is home to more than 11,000 nonprofit organizations advancing education, the environment, health…