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Relevance Report 2020

The 2020 Relevance Report Forecasts PR Trends

  December 9, 2019

Public relations practitioners play many roles – storytellers, business advisors, and sometimes, fortunetellers. Our clients look to us to forecast upcoming cultural, societal and professional trends and guide them through the changing landscape. It’s our job as PR professionals to…

Does Your Company or Brand Add Value?

Does Your Company or Brand Add Value?

  March 13, 2019

Would anyone care if your company or brand ceased to exist? Statistically – probably not. According to a recent study shared by AdWeek, participants said they wouldn’t care if 77 percent of brands went away. So, how do you ensure…

nst hero

Variety is the Spice of Agency Life

  March 7, 2018

When I graduated from Gonzaga University in 2016, I had the vision of landing a corporate or nonprofit public relations job because I wanted to be passionate about the work I was doing. Fast forward to now, and here I…


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