
The nst blog

The Power of Puns hero image

Pun Intended — When to Pun & When to Run

  September 7, 2023

Puns have a long-standing history in marketing, advertising and public relations campaigns – and when done right can be a viral moment waiting to happen. If done poorly or without forethought, a brand can be the laughingstock of the internet….

Tips for a Successful CTA

How to Write a CTA Worth Clicking On

  April 18, 2023

As part of our ongoing monitoring of trends in advertising, email marketing and public relations, NST is always looking for new ways to help clients improve their call to action (CTA). In the digital age we live in, people are…

5 Reasons to Invest in PR Recession

5 Reasons to Invest in PR During a Recession

  January 25, 2023

Recession, depression, economic crisis … whatever the term, pundits have been sounding the alarm over a looming downturn in the U.S. economy, which has started to reverberate through corporate America. And when potential profits are at stake, many organizations begin…

NST Blog Lesson-Learned

Lesson Learned – Come Prepared with Solutions

  January 4, 2023

Everybody makes mistakes … everybody has those days … According to Harvard Business Review (and Hannah Montana) everybody makes mistakes – but they don’t have to be career limiting. No matter your experience level, you’re going to make mistakes in…

Hispanic Heritage Month

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

  October 7, 2022

¡Salud por la celebración de las culturas hispanas! Siempre debemos celebrar la belleza de las culturas hispanas, pero este mes es un buen mes para empezar. Cheers to the celebration of Hispanic cultures! It is always important to celebrate the…


We Need Arts, Culture, Tourism and Community

  June 30, 2022

The pandemic disproportionately impacted the San Diego tourism industry, affecting arts and culture throughout our region. Between the stay-at-home order, working from home, and our “new normal” – most of us found solace in movies, music, podcasts, Netflix-binges, etc., demonstrating…

Military Economic Impact in San Diego

Military Economic Impact in San Diego

  May 31, 2022

Even if you aren’t originally from the San Diego area, you can guess that San Diego has a large military presence (we’ve all been to the USS Midway Museum). But did you know that San Diego is home to the…

Board Service Lead Blog

Serving San Diego through Board Service

  April 27, 2022

San Diego is commonly referred to as “America’s Finest City” – but what makes it so fine? According to The San Diego Foundation, the San Diego region is home to more than 11,000 nonprofit organizations advancing education, the environment, health…

News Literacy

News Literacy: When Sharing Does Not = Caring

  March 22, 2022

As purveyors of news, all of us in the PR industry have a responsibility to help make the world more news-literate. We must stamp out mis- and disinformation and fake news and shine a spotlight on fact-based journalism. But how?…

Farm to Corporate Table

Farm to Corporate Table: Business Practices Grown on A Walnut Farm

  November 8, 2021

Growing up on my family walnut farm in Hollister, California, I was oblivious to the unrelenting challenges my father faced each harvest year. From unknown weather conditions or water availability to external market factors, farming is arguably one of the…

thought leadership: how to become a trusted industry expert

Thought Leadership: How to Become a Trusted Industry Expert

  September 1, 2021

When companies seek public relations support, their expectations may revolve around quick results or immediate return on investment (ROI). While some aspects of public relations can lend themselves to this approach, many PR strategies, like increasing brand awareness and establishing…

Price Adams

Recognizing our Leaders – Price Adams

  April 9, 2021

At Nuffer, Smith, Tucker (NST), we’ve set our sights on redefining public relations. While so much has changed over the last four decades, at NST one thing has remained constant – each of our agency leaders, past and present, have…


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