The nst blog

Cultivating Genuine Engagement with Elected Leaders

  August 6, 2019

While most of California’s local elected officials serve only as part-time mayors and councilmembers, they are responsible for representing the interests of thousands of their fellow citizens and must educate themselves on a wide-range of policy issues. The challenge of…

Nuffer, Smith, Tucker: Then & Now

  April 1, 2019

A new acquaintance of our firm recently commented on the uniqueness of Nuffer, Smith, Tucker both in its culture and approaches. I’m biased, for sure, but I happen to agree. Something special happens within our firm’s four walls, and to…

Does Your Company or Brand Add Value?

Does Your Company or Brand Add Value?

  March 13, 2019

Would anyone care if your company or brand ceased to exist? Statistically – probably not. According to a recent study shared by AdWeek, participants said they wouldn’t care if 77 percent of brands went away. So, how do you ensure…

Ready to Visually Re-brand?

  March 6, 2019

At some point, companies may take a look at their current visual branding and think “this doesn’t really reflect who we are anymore.” They may have hobbled along with a just-OK logo, but realized its shortcomings over time. Or maybe the company…

The Art of Meeting Facilitation: Tips for Facilitating Productive Conversations

The Art of Meeting Facilitation: Tips for Facilitating Productive Conversations

  March 4, 2019

Meeting facilitation is no easy task, especially when working with a group of divergent stakeholders. And even within a group of closely aligned individuals, a meeting may be subject to a variety of challenges from the microphone hog to the…

Michael Kulis

Nuffer, Smith, Tucker Strengthens Team With New Public Affairs Expertise

  February 4, 2019

Airport Authority Veteran Joins Agency as Director of Public Affairs and Government Relations Further developing its capability to deliver effective and meaningful government relations, strategic communications and public outreach for its clients, Michael Kulis joins Nuffer, Smith, Tucker as director…

How Will Farms, Food Business React to Disruption?

How Will Farms, Food Business React to Disruption?

  December 10, 2018

This article originally appeared in California Farm Bureau Federation’s Ag Alert. If there’s a term describing business in the second decade of the 21st century, it’s “disruption.” Entrepreneurs uncovering untapped needs and creating new ones, combined with technological innovations that…

NST Wins Seven Edward L. Bernays Awards for Work with WD-40 Company, California Citrus Mutual and Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego

NST Wins Seven Edward L. Bernays Awards for Work with WD-40 Company, California Citrus Mutual and Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego

  December 1, 2018

Agency Recognized for Consumer Product Marketing, Blogger Campaigns, Media Relations, Research, Direct Mail and Publications Thanks to its strategic and creative approach to public relations, Nuffer, Smith, Tucker took home seven awards from the 2018 Edward L. Bernays Mark of…

Nuffer, Smith, Tucker Expands Expertise With The Addition Of Two Team Members

Nuffer, Smith, Tucker Expands Expertise With The Addition Of Two Team Members

  October 5, 2018

Agency Welcomes Creative Manager and Account Executive Further developing its capabilities to create effective and meaningful marketing communications, media relations, community relations, strategic planning and digital and social media campaigns for its clients, Nuffer, Smith, Tucker adds two new hires…

Report Finds Employees a Top Priority of Business Leaders

Report Finds Employees a Top Priority of Business Leaders

  August 22, 2018

In the world of public relations, there is an important stakeholder group that sometimes gets overshadowed by customers, public officials and shareholders: employees. But that could be changing, as CEOs and CMOs representing businesses across the globe see retaining quality…

NST and the Port of San Diego Recognized by Statewide PIOs for Port Master Plan Update

NST and the Port of San Diego Recognized by Statewide PIOs for Port Master Plan Update

  August 1, 2018

In our work to redefine public relations, we consider ourselves lucky to have consistently partnered with clients who are equally dedicated to thinking outside of the box to achieve ambitious goals. One of those clients is the Port of San…

Nuffer, Smith, Tucker Amps Up Role Of Service Within San Diego Community

Nuffer, Smith, Tucker Amps Up Role Of Service Within San Diego Community

  July 17, 2018

Continuing the agency’s legacy of involvement within the San Diego community, Nuffer, Smith, Tucker’s Managing Director Teresa Siles has been named to the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce’s board of directors and Vice President Price Adams was approved as…


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