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The Art of the Pitch

The Art of the Pitch: Embargo and Exclusive Pitching

  May 8, 2023

To embargo pitch or exclusive pitch, that is the question. Essentially, an embargo pitch is sharing information with a journalist before it becomes public knowledge, under the agreement that the journalist won’t publish the news before a certain date. An…

Gratitude hero

The Benefits of Gratitude in the Workplace

  June 14, 2022

“Thank you.” How often do you say those two words? To some people, saying ‘thank you’ comes as second nature, but often, this small gesture can be forgotten when you’re in a rush, stressed or have too much on your…

National Cocktail Day Blog

Cheers to National Cocktail Day

  March 24, 2022

Happy National Cocktail Day from the NST team to you! There’s nothing quite like a refreshing cocktail at the end of a long day. To celebrate, we’re sharing the team’s favorite cocktail recipes so you can sip along with us….

Hero: Cancel Culture

Why Public Relations Counsel is Critical in the Cancel Culture Era

  December 1, 2021

The last few years, filled with political turmoil, increased conversations around race and representation, growing use of social media for business purposes, and an ever-increasing expectation for brand transparency, made way for cancel culture as a permanent staple in our…

thought leadership: how to become a trusted industry expert

Thought Leadership: How to Become a Trusted Industry Expert

  September 1, 2021

When companies seek public relations support, their expectations may revolve around quick results or immediate return on investment (ROI). While some aspects of public relations can lend themselves to this approach, many PR strategies, like increasing brand awareness and establishing…

basic relationships

Public Relations 101: Building and Maintaining Relationships

  May 26, 2021

As public relations professionals, one question we get a lot is, “what is public relations?” If you’ve watched any TV show or movie, your idea of PR is probably based off Samantha Jones from Sex and The City or Olivia…


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