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The Latest from NST

Setting the Foundation for a Successful Blog
Is your blog not living up to its full potential? Or maybe you’ve been putting off starting one out of fear you can’t keep it up? We recognize that using a blog to connect with your audience may not be…

PR for Nonprofits: Four Tips for Driving Value from Public Relations
At NST, we’ve had an opportunity to work with a number of nonprofit and community organizations throughout our more than 47 years in business. Our agency has been fortunate enough to support several leading mission-driven organizations, including the American Red…

The Lost Art of the Cover Letter
As businesses plan for office re-entry after more than a year and a half of remote work and a scaled back workforce, the need to find the right talent is more important than ever. Landing the job of your dreams…

Productivity vs. Efficiency. What Should PR Pros Aim For?
Have you looked at the clock during your workday and wondered how the day escaped you? Maybe you felt as though you couldn’t accomplish all that you had planned for that day, or even that there simply wasn’t enough time…

San Diego Union-Tribune Op-Ed from NST President and Partner Teresa Siles: San Diego businesses are eager to reopen. Here’s what they should keep in mind
The article below originally appeared as an Opinion-Editorial piece by NST President and Partner Teresa Siles in The San Diego Union-Tribune on Wednesday, June 16, 2021. With the elimination of the tiered system in California and low COVID-19 case rates,…

Ten ‘Landmines’ to Navigate Before Your Next Crisis
Crises come in all forms and sizes, from the nuisance lawsuit or customer complaints that go viral, to major cybersecurity breaches, sexual harassment issues, or other incidents that impact a community or take human lives. As strategic public relations professionals,…

Public Relations 101: Building and Maintaining Relationships
As public relations professionals, one question we get a lot is, “what is public relations?” If you’ve watched any TV show or movie, your idea of PR is probably based off Samantha Jones from Sex and The City or Olivia…

What New Grads Should Look for in the Job Search
“Find a real job,” they said. “It will be easy,” they said. Coming out of college and into the “real world,” where you have to find a “real job” in public relations can be intimidating. What if you can’t find…

Is it Time to Review Your Company Values?
Does your organization have company values? Do you know what they are? How often do you refer to them? If you can’t answer these questions definitively, it’s probably time to review them. If your company doesn’t have clearly defined values,…

Make ‘WFH’ Work Better for You
Before March 13, 2020, I spent three years, 36 months and 6,261 working hours within the four walls of Nuffer, Smith, Tucker (NST). That afternoon NST held a staff-wide meeting, where it was announced we would be working from home…

Three Times When It Pays to Invest in Research
As the reverberations of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to impact businesses big and small, many organizations are looking for ways to tighten their marketing and communications budgets. While research projects intended to support or track progress of key company efforts…

COVID-19 and the Broadcast Media
As the world turned upside-down in 2020, your local morning show probably started to shift from interviews filled with glitz and glam to individuals of all industries Zooming in from their living rooms. The broadcast media, typically in the thick…