Team   /   Price Adams
Price Adams

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Price Adams

Executive Vice President and Partner  /  The Connector

No matter the challenge, a strategic approach always produces the biggest wins!

Price Adams, executive vice president and partner at NST, is driven to create connections in every facet of her life, from helping clients cultivate relationships with key stakeholders, volunteering and networking throughout the San Diego community, and mentoring the team at NST. With nearly two decades of experience, Price has earned an impressive reputation for being the connector that brings the right people together to have the right conversations. She leverages strategy across all areas of PR, marketing and communications, including strategic planning, crisis and issues management, branding, research, media relations outreach, and website and social media strategy.

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We Asked Price …

What’s your favorite tool in the toolbox?

Strategic thinking! When leading with a strategic mindset, we’re able to spot opportunities or sidestep potential barriers to success. Strategic thinking forces us to step out of the day-to-day implementation and take a big picture look at how our ideas, tactics and goals track back to business objectives.

What have you learned so far in your career?

Opportunities are everywhere, even if they are hard to spot. Even in adverse moments, when you feel you’re being challenged, that’s when the greatest growth occurs.

What’s your proudest PR moment?

I will always remember being honored, along with the rest of the NST leadership team, by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) San Diego and Imperial Counties Chapter in 2017 with the Director’s Award. We were recognized for our commitment to not only the agency but for also supporting our staff after the sudden loss of our former president, Bill Trumpfheller. Unknown to leadership, the NST team came together and nominated us, which made this bittersweet moment one of my proudest.

Where can we find you outside of work?

Outside of work, I’m always on the move, chasing after my three kiddos. I’m often found in the bleachers at Little League games or sneaking away with my family to unplug in the desert or Baja California.

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